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Adopted September 1, 1953  

Amended 1955, 1959, 1986, 1997, 2013

Revised 12 Aug 2024



 Section 1. Association Name


 Section 2. Mission Statement

​"To provide a forum that promotes dialogue, engagement and communications amongst federal health executives on health issues unique to the federal healthcare sector while strengthening membership through training, networking, and fellowship."



 The purposes of the Association shall be:

​To promote and develop an Association composed of Federal Health Care Executives;

  1. To enhance the professional competence of Federal Health Care Executives;

  2. To foster relationships and promote collaboration with other recognized health care organizations;

  3. To promote adherence to the code of ethics accepted by the American Hospital Association and the American College of Healthcare Executives.

  4. To encourage the exchange of information relating to principles and practices in health care administration;

  5. To maintain associations with other professions concerned with the operation of health care organizations;


To promote awareness and collaboration amongst alumni through a variety of communications and engagements.

  1. To hold an annual business meeting, normally in conjunction with the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States national meeting.

  2. To provide for a current FHCEIAA website which can serve as a central source of information concerning alumni of the Interagency Institute for Federal Health Care Executives;

  3. To distribute a newsletter twice a year pertaining to activities of the Association and other items of interest to its members




 Section 1. Classes of Members

​There shall be three classes of members: Honorary, Active and Life.

  1. Candidates for membership shall submit their applications to any officer of the Association, who in turn will forward these applications to the Executive Committee for consideration.


Section 2. Honorary Membership

​To qualify for Honorary Membership, a candidate must be one who is outstanding as a health care executive or as a faculty member of health care administration, or who is, or has been, instrumental in aiding this Association or Federal Health Care Organizations.

  • Any member may propose an individual for Honorary Membership. Eligibility shall be determined by the Executive Committee. Honorary Members are not required to pay dues, and they shall have all privileges of Active Membership.


Section 3. Active Membership

​To qualify for Active Membership, a candidate must have completed successfully the course conducted by the Interagency Institute for Federal Health Care Executives sponsored by the Federal Interagency Committee on Training and Education of Federal Health Care Executives.

  1. The invitation to become affiliated with this Association shall be extended to graduates of the Institute.

  2. All Institute Directors are eligible for Active Membership. 


Section 4. Life Membership

​A member may apply for Life Membership upon payment of one-time dues as determined by the Executive Committee. (See Article IV, Section 1). Letter applications shall be sent to the Executive Committee for consideration. Life members shall have all privileges of Active Membership.

​​​Article IV


​Section 1. Dues

​Life dues of the members shall be determined by the Executive Committee. Any change in the amount of dues shall become effective following approval by the Executive Committee.

  1. Dues shall be $100 (single payment) for life.

  2. Dues shall be used for printing the Bylaws of the Association, stationary, notices of various kinds, postage and expenses incurred in typing and reproduction; expenses incident to Executive Committee meetings; partial subsidization of the cost of the annual business meeting and Institute Educational meetings; to promote the objectives of the Association; and to establish and maintain a reasonable reserve.

  3. Dues or FHCEIAA funds shall not be used to fund or reimburse travel. 

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​Section 1. Annual Business Meeting

​An annual business meeting shall be held at such time and place as may be determined by the Executive Committee and shall be announced to the membership at least 60 days prior to the date of the scheduled meeting. Consideration shall be given to holding this meeting to coincide with the national meeting of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States.

  1. This meeting shall be open to the entire membership and their guests. It shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order

  2. A quorum shall consist of at least twenty members. Each Honorary, Active, Life, Senior, and Associate Member shall have one vote. Proxy votes shall not be allowed.


Section 2. Sectional Meetings

​Sectional meetings may be held with the approval of the Executive Committee under the Sponsorship of any member of the Association. Sectional meetings generally should coincide with such meetings as the American Hospital Association Tri-State meeting in Chicago, the New England Hospital Assembly, or any other sectional meeting which may be sponsored by the American Hospital Association, the American College of Healthcare Executive, or the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States. Sectional meetings shall be open to the entire membership and their guests.

Article VI


​Section 1. Elected Officers

​Elected officers of the Association shall consist of:

  1. President

  2. First Vice-President

  3. Second Vice-President

  4. Recording Secretary

  5. Treasurer


Section 2. Ex-Officio Officers

​All Past Presidents of the Association shall be ex-officio officers with vote.

  1. An Executive Secretary, who is appointed by the Executive Committee, shall be an ex-officio officer with vote.

  2. The Institute Director shall be an ex-officio officer with a vote.


Section 3. Election of Officers


​Election of officers shall be by majority of those members present and voting at the annual business meeting.

  • Any eligible member may nominate an individual for office. The nomination may be made either in writing to the Executive Committee at least 30 days prior to the annual business meeting, or may be made from the floor at the annual business meeting.


Section 4. Terms of Office

​The term of office for elected officers shall be from one annual business meeting to the next.

Officers elected as President, First Vice-President, or Second Vice-President may not hold the same office for more than two consecutive one-year terms unless there are no nominees for the office and the Executive Committee approves the one-year extension.

  1. In the absence of the President, or their inability to act; their duties will succeed in order from the First Vice President, the Second Vice President, and to a selected member of the Executive Committee and approved by the Executive Committee. Such successors will act for the President and will so sign appropriate official documents.

  2. In the event that any other elected officer cannot complete the term, the Executive Committee shall appoint an eligible individual to assume the vacated position for the balance of the term.

  3. The Executive Secretary shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive Committee.

  4. In the event an officer misses two mandatory executive committee and/or national meetings, does not coordinate in advance of a meeting or function that they will be absent or otherwise becomes unable to perform required duties, the Executive Committee will automatically replace this officer without the right to appeal.  


Section 5. Duties of Officers


​a. President: 

​Preside at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee.

  1. Coordinate the work of the officers and committees.

  2. Call all special meetings and appoint special committees.

  3. Be an ex-officio member of all committees.


b. First Vice-President: 

​Perform the duties of the President in his/her absence and succeed to the Office of President in the event it is vacated.

  1. Serve as chairperson and overall coordinator for all activities and functions pertaining to the arrangements for the Annual Business Meeting and the Educational Sessions sponsored by the Association.


c. Second Vice-President: 

​Serve as chairperson and overall coordinator for all activities and functions pertaining to publicity for the Association.

  1. Coordinate Alumni information for publication in the Association Newsletter.

  2. Coordinate all activities and functions pertaining to the organization of local chapters of the Association.


d. Secretary: 

​Keep accurate records of all meetings and publish them in a timely manner.

  1. Conduct the general correspondence of the Association which is not the function of other officers or of committees.

  2. Maintain a permanent file of all official records and reports of the Association.

  3. Maintain current membership rosters by categories of membership. This duty may be delegated to a Special Advisor at the discretion of the Executive Committee.


e. Treasurer: 

​Receive and distribute Association funds as required.

  1. Prepare the annual financial report, summary monthly financial statements, and a statement of operations at the conclusion of each specific function of the Association (e.g., Annual Business Meeting and Educational Session).

  2. Advise the Executive Committee as to the adequacy of Association funds.

  3. Maintain a running inventory of Association assets on hand (other than monies) and show disposition of assets distributed. (Note: This duty may be delegated to another member of the Association at the discretion of the Executive Committee.) 


Article VII

​Executive Committee


​Section 1. Membership


​The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected and ex-officio officers of the Association. The President shall serve as the Chairman of the Executive Committee. A majority of the Members shall constitute a quorum to transact business.

​Section 2. Powers and Duties

​The Executive Committee shall act for the Association in all matters between annual business meetings. It shall be responsible for the policies and fiscal matters of the Association. It shall submit a report of its activities at the annual business meeting.

  1. The Executive Committee may appoint an Executive Secretary.

  2. The Executive Committee may appoint Special Advisors as appropriate.

  3. The Executive Committee may sponsor a session at an annual business meeting.

  4. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to propose amendments to the Bylaws or revision of them.


Article VIII

​Other Committees

​Section 1. Bylaws Committee


​There shall be a Bylaws Committee. This committee shall be appointed by the President, and shall consist of three members whose term of service shall be determined at the time of their appointment.

  • The Bylaws Committee may initiate, and shall receive and consider, suggestions regarding the Bylaws of the Association. It shall submit its recommendations regarding amendments or revision of the Bylaws in accordance with Article IX of these Bylaws.


Section 2. Nominating Committee

​The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee to consist of three members.


  • The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of nominees for the elected offices at the annual business meeting of the Association. Consideration shall be given to the physical location of the nominees, and at least two of the nominees should be from the same geographic area (preferably the MD/DC/VA area).


Section 3. Special Committees

​The President may appoint special committees as required.


Article IX


​Section 1. Submission


​Proposed amendments to the Bylaws may be submitted by any member in writing to the Bylaws Committee prior to the annual business meeting.

  1. Proposed amendments to the Bylaws may be made verbally at the annual business meeting of the Association.

  2. Proposed amendments received in writing shall be acted upon at the next annual business meeting that immediately follows the date of their submission. Proposed amendments made from the floor at the annual business meeting may be acted upon when they are proposed.


Section 2. Adoption


​Amendments to the Bylaws shall require an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting at the annual business meeting for adoption.


​Article X

​Effective Date


​This revision of the Bylaws of the Association shall be effective upon affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting at the annual business meeting at which this revision is presented.

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